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IPITEK Solutions for Carrier-Grade MPLS over Ethernet

A full network of MPLS routers can be built on top of a carrier Ethernet network which in turn uses WDM optical technology to carry multiple MPLS tunnels with strict QoS, protection, and routing capabilities provided by the carrier Ethernet network.
The Benefits of Ethernet and MPLS Integration for Carrier Networks
The majority of end-to-end traffic flow on the Internet is being generated as Ethernet at one end, and consumed as Ethernet at the other end. Carrier Ethernet is a ubiquitous carrier-class service with five distinguishing attributes: standardized services, scalability, reliability, quality of service (QoS) and service management. An important aspect of carrier-grade Ethernet is that it can support MPLS tunnels over the Carrier Ethernet network.
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2330 Faraday Avenue,Carlsbad, CA 92008 | Phone: (760) 438-1010 | Email:
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