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Metro 10 GigE Solutions at 3.99 Dimensions: T1, SONET and Ethernet on a Single Fiber

Industry-leading solution for T1 and SONET/SDH circuit emulation over synchronized 10Gig Ethernet. Dimensions optimized for the highest density, smallest footprint, and lowest power consumption at the lowest price.
IPITEK's 10GE Circuit Emulation Solution
- Scalable network capacity using multiple Gig-E ports add T1/E1s, T3/E3s or OC-3/STM-1s as channelized voice
- VLAN-based routing with strict-QOS
- Extensive management features; CLI, WEB, SNMP-v2c with in-band and out-of-band support
- QoS service routing allows differentiated services
- Integrates switching, aggregation and DWDM transport in 1RU and low power consumption
Carry SONET/SDH Circuits over Ethernet
TDM Circuit Emulation Services over Ethernet (CESoETH) were developed so that carriers can offer premium priced legacy transport transparently over low cost modern networks. Carrier Ethernet is rapidly displacing high-priced, inflexible, old TDM…
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